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Monday, March 14, 2011

Sorry so long!

So, sorry for the long delay in posting (if anyone is actually reading...). I had my birthday after my last post and then an exhausting couple of days at work! Whew.  Heart-wrenching and horrible as I took care of a mom and dad who were fighting to save their 24 week old child and lost. Tough.  Then, I had vacation! Woo! Could NOT have come at a better time. We headed down to the Caribbean and had a beautiful, fun, relaxing week of sunshine, snorkeling, and eating!

It's so strange how "normal" I am the weeks following a miscarriage.  While waiting for AF to arrive, I do no temping, no mucous checking, no on-demand baby-dancing, no peeing on a stick, and I have no freaking clue what day in my cycle I'm on!  It's great!  Now, don't get me wrong--I'd rather be pregnant. But, it's nice to not have my life consumed by getting pregnant for a few weeks.  I'm excited for her return because once she does, the rest of the show can get on the road! I can have a few more blood tests and my HSG and we can be closer to welcoming our sweet baby.  So, I guess I'm saying I've enjoyed the time off, but I'm energized, refreshed, and ready to start again!

I've enjoyed reading the blogs to which I subscribe since I've returned and truly missed the stories and thought about the writers while I was away.  It's interesting how people that we don't even know can affect us.  I'll keep ya posted!


  1. Hi there,

    Just read your blog and can relate to what you are going through. You sound like you've got a fresh perspective and here's hoping the next cycle works out for you :)


  2. Thanks so much for your kind words and for reading my rambling! I'm going to check out your blog!
