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Thanks for sharing in our journey of moving from a couple in love TTC with no intervention to the land of testing and procedures...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nervous today

First off, thank you so much ICLW bloggers! It's been nice to find new blogs and to get new traffic on my blog. I really appreciate your comments and look forward to our journey together :)

Update on the exercise situation: I ran day 2 week 4 of Couch to 5K on Tuesday. Doing well! Long day at work yesterday, so did no exercise. Today is day 3 week 4 of C25K.  I'm doing well eating. Staying within my calorie range and trying to eat the right proportion of carbs, fats, and protein. I'm trying to eat "real" food and not processed food. I'm trying new flavors and foods in an attempt to expand my palate.  So far, so good!

I'm nervous about the HSG today. I've done no reading about it because I don't want to freak myself out. I've heard people say they are uncomfortable and I've heard others say they aren't too bad.  We'll see when I get there.  I'm going alone and feel ok about it. My husband said he'd go if I need him to and I told him I didn't. I really wish he just would have assumed that he go with me.  Oh well. I'm a big girl :)

Will let you know how it goes!


  1. Here from ICLW #97 - good luck on the HSG. By the time you read this you should be done with yours, so I can tell you I HATED mine. I must have ZERO pain tolerance though because I've heard other people say it wasn't bad at all. Hop yours goes well!

  2. Um, I also hate to say this, but I'm with C above. For me, it was so painful and I wish I had had my hubby there with me! Let's hope your one of the women who say it wasn't bad at all! Good luck!

    Happy ICLW!

    (So, so sorry for your losses. Hugs.)

  3. Hello, I just found your blog... We have much in common on the road to Motherhood, so I wanted to say hi and send a note of encouragement. I had an HSG last week and it happened to go okay. Not painful... in fact, it felt a bit ticklish inside. The initial result was good: tubes wide open (though that was pretty much a given; like you, I've been pregnant before). I do hope your test will go well today and wish you the most "positive" of results. :)

  4. Id have a HSG in a flash if I got the same result as last time. I fell pregnant the cycle right after I had it, must have cleaned out the tubes. Seriously, mine was fine, no pain, just like a pap smear with photo's taken. Its over so quick, you will be fine. I think my pride was hit harder than anything!

    And thanks for joining my blog too, I have added you to my blogroll so others can latch on to you.

  5. over from ICLW...hope yours was on the non-painful ones. mine was awful, but it's because i take a sharp left turn inside that no one knew about until then. but, i survived :) hope they found nothing but wonderful normalness on yours today!

  6. Stopping by from ICLW. My HSG was super easy and in fact I barely remember a thing except the gook that dripped out afterwards. I hope you had as much luck as I did and that your results are boring (that means good :-).

  7. Here from ICLW. Hope you're healing up well from the procedure yesterday... I've never had one but have heard of tales from others. Sending lots of luck for a good report from the HSG.

    Happy ICLW!

    ~Keiko, Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed, ICLW #23

  8. Hello from ICLWland!

    I hope your HSG results are good news! I plan to hang out for a while and check out more of your posts.

  9. Hi, happy ICLW :)

    I had an HSG today too. Not the ideal way to start a weekend, right?! I hope yours went well.

    I'm sorry to hear of your two early losses...I had two early miscarriages in 2010 as well.

    I look forward to following your journey.

  10. Thank you so much for all of your posts! I appreciate you visiting my blog and am visiting each of yours.
