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Monday, April 18, 2011

The update is no update yet

Thanks so much for all the well-wishes :) I really appreciate them.  I feel truly lucky to be here again so quickly, but so apprehensive as you all understand.  Beta drawn today but no results until tomorrow as I went to Labcorp (did not know this at the time). Crampy today in my back and tummy.  Nauseous on and off.  I'm not sure what's normal, so who knows.  Hopefully will have good news tomorrow!


  1. Best wishes!!!!!!!!! Will tune back in tomorrow!!

  2. I'm still keeping hopeful, positive wishes for you. Having to wait to know is nerve wracking and difficult... I hope you've been able to be sufficiently distracted and peaceful. :) Looking forward to your next update!

  3. good luck! i truly hope it's a happy, healthy nine months with a beautiful baby to take home!

  4. thinking of you, can't wait for an update!

  5. Sending so so so many good thoughts and positive vibes your way! Can't wait to hear your positive results!!!
